October 6, 2003 Sagebrush Inn Taos, NM |
This web page will be updated frequently.
The next ACE Team meeting is to be held Monday October 6, 2003, at the Sagebrush Inn, Taos, NM.
The meeting will be the day before the ACE/RHESSI/Wind workshop (October 7-9) and will be in the same location.
830 Call to Order/Opening Remarks Stone Local announcements Gosling Open items from the last ACE SWT Mewaldt Remarks from Headquarters Christian/ Holmes Senior Review Report Stone Progress on the S3DPU Patch Popecki, Moebius Flight Operations Report Real-Time Solar-Wind Report and ACE/NOAA issues Discrepancy between RTSW and Level-2 MAG Data Davis ASC Report Davis ASC and the Virtual Heliospheric Observatory Davis 1000 Break 1030 Science Topics (15-20 minutes each) High-latitude CMEs - the View from ACE and Ulysses Zurbuchen Solar Wind Scaling Law Schwadron New Abundance Measurements and FIP Fractionation Patterns Mewaldt Heavy and UH Abundances in He3-rich Events - Mason et al. Implications for Acceleration 1150 Lunch 1300 Heliospheric Special Issue Moebius EOS Article Smith Heliospheric Particle Propagation Roelof Progress on Spectra, Composition, and Trapping of Heavy Ions Desai at Interplanetary Shocks. Update on the Helium Focus Cone Gloeckler Anomalous Cosmic Rays at Solar Maximum Stone Pickup Ions from Yet Another Comet Gloeckler Fluence Spectra: 1997 - 2002 Mewaldt Plans for Future Meetings and Workshops Review of Action Items Mewaldt Schedule Next Meeting Stone