October 13-14, 2008 Southwest Research Institute Building 189, in the Video Teleconference Center (VTC) San Antonio, TX |
This web page will be updated frequently.
The next ACE Team meeting is to be held October 13th and 14th, 2008, at SWRI, San Antonio, TX.
Following the SWT, there will be a SIS/CRIS splinter meeting beginning at ~3:30 on the afternoon of the 14th, and continuing to the end of the day on the 15th. ACE people interested in collaborating on projects involving SIS/CRIS data are welcome to attend.
The meeting is in Building 189, in the Video Teleconference Center (VTC), located directly behind the receptionist on the 1st floor.
SWRI logistics contact is
, Phone: 210.522.2741
If you are not a US citizen, please provide Maureen
your name and citizenship, for badging purposes.
Directions to SWRI and Building 189 (PDF format)
San Antonio area map showing recommended routes to SWRI from the airport and from downtown
The ACE team meeting will start at 8:30am each morning, and is scheduled to end
by 3pm on Tuesday October 14th.
Preliminary Agenda
The SIS/CRIS splinter meeting will begin at ~3:30pm on the afternoon of the 14th, and will continue on the 15th from 8:30am until ~5:30pm.
Please submit agenda items and titles for science talks to Dick Mewaldt and Andrew Davis.
A list of other hotels in the area
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