STEREO LET Onboard event processing rates for ahead spacecraft, for 2015-065
UNVERIFIED DATA - for internal Caltech SRL use only - do not distribute
File created: Thu Mar 12 10:20:10 PDT 2015
Created by: Caltech Space Radiation Lab
Level 1 software version 11
Time Resolution: 1 minute (highest LET instrument resolution)
Column 1: Year
Column 2: Day of year (fractional)
Column 3: Hour of day
Column 4: Minute of hour
Column 5: Second of minute
Column 6 - 21: 16 EVPRATES (counts/minute)
Bad/missing data are filled with -1.0E+31 for floating point, -2147483647 for integers
2015  65.805706 19 20 13       47499           0          18         109          64         726          64         574       13672       31597         872           9       26461       20977           0         221
2015  65.809178 19 25 13       74775           0          16         190          81        1759          63         954       26177       44555        1142          12       35139       39499           0         577
2015  65.812650 19 30 13       82631           0          15         228          83        2075          59        1007       25817       52259        1187          11       50251       32217           0         599
2015  65.816123 19 35 13       79447           0          16         227         123        1887          62         887       22465       52443        1555          11       49547       29777           0         559
2015  65.819595 19 40 13       23741           0          17          80          55         326          66         295        7162       15200         698          12       13608       10090           0         101
2015  65.823067 19 45 13       22957           0          16          87          61         339          59         306        6552       14974         699          11       13690        9224           0         115
2015  65.826539 19 50 13       22277           0          18          83          63         320          61         254        6100       14814         733          13       13172        9068           0          90
2015  65.830012 19 55 13       26573           0          17          89          61         405          59         414        8020       16869         746          12       17521        9004           0         138
2015  65.836956 20  5 13       31473           0          17         118          73         556          63         463        9984       19453         816          11       20321       11088           0         191
2015  65.840428 20 10 13       32653           0          16         129          86         587          63         438       10428       20209         790          11       20649       11944           0         212
2015  65.843900 20 15 13       28441           0          17          97          68         460          59         394        8990       17745         725          11       17889       10506           0         143
2015  65.885567 21 15 13       46027           0          18         215         124         896          61         389       15706       27737         953          11       31165       14756           0         353
2015  65.889039 21 20 13       41531           0          17         178         112         759          63         348       13338       25969         876          10       26077       15374           0         278
2015  65.892512 21 25 13       41883           0          18         202         106         716          65         388       14016       25593         885          10       24733       17041           0         297
2015  65.899456 21 35 13       43667           0          17         206         125         783          65         424       13652       27537         971           9       26049       17517           0         320
2015  65.902928 21 40 13       44003           0          18         156          91         955          65         547       15290       25941         880          12       34011        9908           0         261
2015  65.968900 23 15 13       26349           0          18         128          83         363          59         369        6947       17913         645          12       12614       13670           0         128
2015  65.972373 23 20 13       33283           0          18         141          80         475          63         431       10558       20941         698          11       18833       14374           0         187
2015  65.975845 23 25 13       44083           0          18         163          84         806          58         523       16561       25149         721          11       22565       21421           0         327
2015  65.979317 23 30 13       38875           0          17         157          85         649          63         489       14918       21897         674          10       19521       19269           0         266
2015  65.982789 23 35 13       27697           0          16         101          60         357          63         371        9798       16501         552          11       14876       12764           0         147
2015  65.986262 23 40 13       28657           0          16          99          57         429          64         376       10768       16413         543          11       14660       13940           0         147