Each plot contains 4 days of data. The top panel shows hourly average intensities for 4He, O and Fe for the energy range 0.160-0.226 keV/n. The middle panel shows individual ion masses and arrival times for ions of energy 0.25-0.90 MeV/nuc for mass < 8.0 AMU, and energy 0.08-0.15 MeV/nucleon for masses > 8.0 AMU. The two different energy ranges are chosen to maximize statistics and mass reesolution in the two ranges. The use of two different enregy ranges causes a change in particle count density at the 8.0 AMU line which is visible in the middle panel. The bottom panel shows individual ion reciprocal speed (1/v) and arrival time for ions of mass 10-70 AMU. Slanted lines in the panel show the arrival time for particles released at the sun and traveling down a 1.2 AU magnetic field line.