SIT Release Notes:

      The following are cumulative release notes for the STEREO/IMPACT  
      Suprathermal Ion Telescope (SIT) Level-1 datasets.  As 
      new datasets are released or old datasets are processed, this 
      file will be extended.   The assessment of data quality, such 
      as for  instrument  saturations,  represents the best current
      knowledge and may be retroactively updated in future releases.
      General notes and caveats regarding all SIT data are in another
      file (sit_caveats) that should consulted first. 


	SIT-A first operational data begins Jan 1, 2007


	SIT-B first operational data begins Jan 27, 2007

	posted 5/15/2009:
	2009-132 22:59 (May 12) - 2009-136 02:40 (May 16)  SIT-B out of 
	calibration due to S/C reset

	posted 8/10/2009:
	2009-216 09:35  (Aug 4)  - 2009-218  12:30 (Aug 6)    SIT-A out 
	of calibration due to S/C reset

	posted 5/27/2010:
	2010-144 12:27 (May 24) - 2010-146 03:35 (May 26)  SIT-B data gap 
	due to lack of DSN coverage; some other smaller gaps in May 2010 
	for same reason


	posted 1/14/2011:
	2011-008 21:25 (Jan 8) - 2011-013 19:11 (Jan 13)  SIT-B out of 
	calibration due to IMPACT power off

	posted 4/20/2011:
	2011-110 14:00  (April 20) -- SIT-A revised lookup tables improve 
	accuracy of intensity boxes above ~1 MeV/nucleon;  
	starting on day 111.0, onboard ROM boxes are used to calculate 
	SIT-A intensities, with improved statistics in intense periods
	posted 5/10/2011:
	2011-125 17:04  (May 5) -- SIT-B revised lookup tables improve 
	accuracy of track widths for rate boxes;  starting on day 127.0, 
	onboard ROM boxes are used to calculate SIT-B intensities, with 
	improved statistics in intense periods
	posted 7/12/2011:
	ROM box correction factors used to correct for coarseness in 
	on-board matrix binning;  applied to SIT-A starting 2011/110 
	and SIT-B 2011/125 (not used for earlier data).  Errors 
	affecting pulse-height analysis intensity calculation during 
	some periods corrected.  To be sure up to date intensities are 
	used, users should replace all earlier files with files generated 
	on or after July 11, 2011

	posted 9/23/2011:
	2011-262-15:40 (Sept 19) to 2011-265-19:53 (Sept 22)-- 
	SIT-A out of calibration due to IMPACT power off	

	posted 11/21/2012:
	2012-205.0 (July 23) to 2012-207.0 (July 26) -- 
	SIT-A out of calibration due to high intensities

	posted 7/16/2014:
	2014-187.71 (July 6) to 2014-195.65 (July 14) -- 
	SIT-A out of calibration due to turn-off and HV ramp up for side lobe testing

	posted 8/12/2014:
	The three lowest energy Fe energy bins for SIT-A and SIT-B removed due to uncertainties 
	in resolution and calibration from ASCII data files posted at IMPACT/SEP web site
	(   Fe files regenerated with 
	lowest energy bin starting at 0.080 MeV/nuc.  Users should replace all earlier Fe files
	with files generated on or after Aug 11, 2014.  Other elements (H, 4He, O) not affected,
	and Fe energy bins starting at 0.080 MeV/nuc and higher not affected; however, format of the
	Fe files is changed since the three columns with the lowest energy bins have been removed.  

	posted 6/23/2015:
	2012-149 00:00 (May 28) - 2012-149 12:00 (May 28)  SIT-A out of 
	calibration due high intensity levels saturating MCP response

	posted 6/23/2015:
	2012-205 05:00 (Jul 23) - 2012-206 06:00 (Jul 24)  SIT-A out of 
	calibration due high intensity levels saturating MCP response


	posted 6/23/2015:
	2013-234 01:00 (Aug 22) - 2012-235 02:00 (Aug 23)  SIT-A out of 
	calibration due high intensity levels saturating MCP response

	posted 6/23/2015:
	2014-244 00:00 (Sep 1) - 2014-246 02:00 (Sep 3)  SIT-B out of 
	calibration due high intensity levels saturating MCP response


	posted 7/16/2015:
	2015-79.66 (Mar 20) to 2015-190.80 (July 9) -- 
	SIT-A off off for solar conjunction


	posted 7/21/2015:
	2015-190.80 (July 9) to ~2023
	Change in SEP Instrument Suite Viewing Directions: After solar conjunction, 
	the two STEREO spacecraft have been rolled 180 degrees about the spacecraft-Sun 
	line in order to allow the high gain antenna to remain pointing at Earth. 
	Consequently, the nominal pointing directions of the SEP suite of instruments 
	are now different. This will remain the case until the spacecraft pass by Earth 
	again in 2023.


	posted 8/27/2015:
	2015-190.80 (July 9) to 2015-238.0 (August 26) (inclusive)
	SIT-A matrix rates out of calibration due to lookup table load problem
	during post-conjunction weak uplink period; obsolete tables in use; 
	He intensity is roughly a factor of 5 low.


	posted 8/27/2015:
	2014-268 00:00 (Sep 25) - 2014-272 00:00 (Sep 29)  SIT-B out of 
	calibration due high intensity levels saturating MCP response


	posted 9/1/2015:
	all ascii files of SIT 1-day, 1-hour, 10-min, and 1-min averages have been 
	recomputed using improved SIT-A and -B calibrations obtained from comparison with 
	LET spectra from a large set of SEP events.  The changes are not large, but
	to be up to date, users should download the new set.  The changes are 
	incorporated into all files generated Aug. 30, 2015 or later.  


	posted 12/22/2015:
 	all SIT multipanel plots for the solar conjunction period 2014/230 through 
 	2015-319 have been recomputed using the instrument beacon data instead of the
 	usual science data (see SIT description document).  In terms of data packets, for 
 	SIT this corresponds to using the APID 624 packets (beacon) instead of the APID 605 
 	packets (rates) since coverage for APID 605 was very low, while coverage for the 
 	APID 624 packet was nearly complete.  However, the beacon packets carry a separate set
 	of rates which are not identical to the APID 605 rates.  The differences are:
		1) the beacon rates cover the energy interval 120-360 keV/nuc, while the APID 605
		   rates used for the plots use a smaller interval 160-223 keV/nuc.
		2) the beacon rates combine C, N, & O, while the APID 605 rate has O separate
    To maintain the comparability of the SIT multipanel plots for this period compared to 
    others, the APID 605 and 624 rates were compared over the period 2014/65-100, and 
    scaling factors derived that improve the match between the two sets of rates.  The
    scaling factors applied were:
    	a) beacon 120-360 keV/nuc He rate multiplied by 1.8 to approximate He 160-223 keV/n
    	b) beacon 120-360 keV/nuc CNO rate multiplied by 1.2 to approximate O 160-223 keV/n
    	c) beacon 120-360 keV/nuc Fe rate multiplied by 1.75 to approximate Fe 160-223 keV/n
    These factors are used for the posted multipanel plots ONLY, and are not used for the
    listings of SIT beacon data which also contain additional energy bands.  

	posted 11/13/2018:
	SIT-A matrix box calculations showed errors following the reset and table loads
	following the Sept 23, 2018 turn off due to a single event upset in the SEP
	data system.  SIT-A matrix rates should not be used after Sept 23, 2018.  Plots
	for posting on the web, and ascii files were switched over to intensities calculated
	with PHA data.