Anisotropy movies for STEREO LET H 4-6 MeV sectored intensities:

Each frame of these movies is for a 1 hour period. There are 6 panels
of plots on each frame. The bottom panel shows the H 4-6 MeV intensity vs time.
The vertical line identifies which hour of the time period the rest of the panels
are for. The upper left panel shows a 3-point energy spectrum for the hour,
which is used to derive the spectral index for the Compton-Getting correction.
The three circular plots show the H 4-6 MeV hour average intensities measured in
the 16 sectors of LET, which are treated as vectors in the RTN coordinate system
and shown projected into the RT plane, the NT plane, and the NR plane. Two dotted circles
are shown. The intensity of the outer dotted circle in the RT plane plot is indicated and is
the maximum intensity observed in the 16 sectors. The inner dotted circle is a factor of
2 lower in intensity. The same dotted circles are shown in the other two
projections. A linear intensity scale is used. The green lines are
1-min magnetometer data; the heavier purple line is the 1-hour average
magnetometer data. The upper right panel shows the pitch angle distribution
for the hour. Each minute of data is examined. The cos(thetaB) axis is divided
into 12 equally-spaced bins from -1 to +1. The intensities in each sector for the minute are
corrected for the Compton-Getting effect and the angles between the anti-boresights
of each sector with the magnetic field for that minute are computed. Using the
anti-boresights results in thetaB being the angle between the magnetic field direction
and the particle flow direction. A 1-hour average solar wind speed from PLASTIC
and the 1-hour average spectral index are used in the Compton-Getting correction
for each minute of the hour. The appropriate cos(thetaB) bins are incremented by
the appropriate intensities. The histogram in cos(thetaB) is accumulated for all
60 minutes for each hour and displayed. The intensity scale is normalized to the
maximum value in the 12 bins plotted. At the right of the panel are 12 numbers
showing the number of times each cos(thetaB) bin was incremented, labeled "opps"
for opportunities. The values of the spectral index (gam), solar wind speed (vsw), and
the maximum CG coefficient (CG = [2 - 2*gam]*vsw/V, where V is 30656 km/s for the 4-6 MeV
interval) are shown in the upper left portion of the frame. The Compton-Getting corrected
intensity, J_CG_corr_i, for each sector intensity J_i is J_CG_corr_i = J_i*(1 + CG*S_R_i)
where S_R_i is the R component of the ith sector boresight.