LET View Direction Movies

The LET instrument has 16 viewing apertures and in these movies the boresights
of these 16 sectors are shown in the RTN coordinate system. While these movies
were specifically designed for LET, they can be used by anyone wishing to know
something about the orientation of the spacecraft as a function of time.

Three views are shown: a view from above the RT plane, a view from the Sun,
and a third view from the side showing the NR plane. The data used to make the
movies is taken from the STEREO pointing data, available from

The data can be either predicted data, in which case the word Predicted will
appear on a frame of the movie, or the data can be actual data, in which case
the word Actual appears.

On 7 May 2018, these movies were changed from being Quicktime movies to being
movies embedded in PowerPoint. Quicktime is no longer supported for persons
using non-Mac computers; hence the change. Some of the PowerPoint files are
very large and some degree of patience needs to be used to view the movies.
For example, you may come upon the phrase "Cannot Play Media".  That can be
ignored; hit the play arrow. Then it may say "Loading..." That could take a
minute or so. Finally, you may be confronted with a window entitled Media
Object Upgrade. Answer No to the question asked and play the movie. Should