Solar Energetic Particle Fluences					
July 14, 2000 Event					
Based on Data from ACE/EPAM; GOES-8,11,&12; and SAMPEX/PET					
Note: Statistical Uncertainties on GOES and EPAM data are negligible.					
To account for systematic uncertainties in combining data from different					
   sensors we add 20% in quadrature with the statistical uncertainties					
Fluence Spectra					
Start: 	1000 UT on 7/14/2000				
End:	2400 UT on 7/18/2000				
Compiled by R. A. Mewaldt (					
	with help from Mark Looper, Christina Cohen, and Dennis Haggerty				
Z	E	Fluence		Sigma		20% sigma	Instrument
1	0.0553	7.00E+10	Negligible	1.40E+10	EPAM
1	0.0853	3.17E+10	Negligible	6.34E+09	
1	0.145	3.30E+10	Negligible	6.60E+09	
1	0.241	1.20E+10	Negligible	2.40E+09	
1	0.424	6.00E+09	Negligible	1.20E+09	
1	0.784	3.14E+09	Negligible	6.28E+08	
1	1.42	1.53E+09	Negligible	3.06E+08	
1	3.01	5.26E+08	Negligible	1.05E+08	
1	17.32	4.84E+07	Negligible	9.68E+06	GOES11-Int
1	38.73	1.17E+07	Negligible	2.34E+06	
1	54.77	5.05E+06	Negligible	1.01E+06	
1	77.46	1.06E+06	Negligible	2.12E+05	
1	11.62	6.92E+07	Negligible	1.38E+07	GOES8-Diff
1	24.49	4.51E+07	Negligible	9.02E+06	
1	54.941	4.74E+06	Negligible	9.48E+05	
1	108.07	1.61E+05	Negligible	3.22E+04	
1	20.02	5.87E+07	2.28E+06	1.20E+07	PET
1	22.13	5.64E+07	2.24E+06	1.15E+07	
1	24.18	4.72E+07	2.10E+06	9.67E+06	
1	26.28	4.71E+07	1.95E+06	9.62E+06	
1	32.01	1.41E+07	4.96E+05	2.86E+06	
1	41.39	8.27E+06	4.52E+05	1.71E+06	
1	49.27	4.27E+06	3.54E+05	9.24E+05	
1	58.78	2.65E+06	2.35E+05	5.80E+05	
1	67.8	1.33E+06	4.16E+05	4.94E+05	
1	73.25	7.56E+05	4.35E+05	4.61E+05	
1	80.5	8.98E+05	3.39E+05	3.84E+05