SAMPEX / HILT ACR Data								Submitted on : Aug 27, 2007
													Submitted by: B. Klecker, 
													    MPE, Garching, Germany

Brief description: ACR oxygen intensities in two energy ranges (8.2 - 16 and 16 - 20 MeV/nuc), 
averaged over 26 days with the provision that (1) the spacecraft is at magnetic latitudes of 
70� or higher, and (2) of interplanetary quiet times. For the determination of quiet times an 
upper limit of the He flux in the energy range 4 � 6 MeV/nuc of 1x10**-4 p/cm**2 s sr MeV/nuc 
has been used.

Note: Zero accumulation time indicates that there was either 
      (1) no data at all during this time interval or
      (2) no data compatible with the requirements (1) and (2) described above.

Format: the data are tab delimited.

Data Entry Description:

Column		Variable		Description

1			Startdate		Start Date of Averaging Period
2			Time			Start Time of Averaging Period
3			Acc. Time:		Accumulation time per averaging period (26 days)  in seconds
4			O16				ACR oxygen flux (8.2-16 MeV/n), unit: p/cm**s s sr MeV/nuc
5			sig				1 sigma statistical error
6			O16				ACR oxygen flux (16 - 20 MeV/n), unit: p/cm**s s sr MeV/nuc
7			sig				1 sigma statistical error

 HILT / SAMPEX Flux  Production Date  8-MAY-01  22:46:56 
 Input File:dka400:[sampex.davg]P3allv2dsum.h00     
 Threshold on He (4-6 MeV/nuc flux 1.000E-04  particles / cm**2 sr s MeV/nuc

 Startdate       		Acc. Time 	O16:   8.2-  16.0      16.0-  20.0         
  Date	 Time	 		Acc Time	Flux	      sigma	     Flux	      sigma
20-Aug-1992	0:00:00.00000	112266	1.3580e-06	2.1160e-07	4.1680e-07	1.3240e-07
15-Sep-1992	0:00:00.00000	95754	1.2920e-06	2.1450e-07	6.1940e-07	1.7670e-07
11-Oct-1992	0:00:00.00000	175956	1.6040e-06	2.1300e-07	7.4030e-07	1.5220e-07
6-Nov-1992	0:00:00.00000	48186	1.6220e-06	3.1520e-07	1.3180e-06	3.6480e-07
2-Dec-1992	0:00:00.00000	304794	2.0800e-06	2.4090e-07	1.1930e-06	1.7540e-07
28-Dec-1992	0:00:00.00000	64230	1.9420e-06	3.2230e-07	1.3280e-06	3.2530e-07
23-Jan-1993	0:00:00.00000	318150	2.0910e-06	2.4070e-07	1.1090e-06	1.6410e-07
18-Feb-1993	0:00:00.00000	128838	1.7290e-06	2.4270e-07	8.4800e-07	1.8670e-07
16-Mar-1993	0:00:00.00000	208554	1.6930e-06	2.1480e-07	4.6330e-07	1.0710e-07
11-Apr-1993	0:00:00.00000	351822	2.1260e-06	2.4130e-07	1.0740e-06	1.5610e-07
7-May-1993	0:00:00.00000	304326	2.4630e-06	2.7940e-07	9.5220e-07	1.4900e-07
2-Jun-1993	0:00:00.00000	224466	2.5610e-06	3.0030e-07	9.3630e-07	1.6220e-07
28-Jun-1993	0:00:00.00000	223758	2.7120e-06	3.1570e-07	1.2110e-06	1.9380e-07
24-Jul-1993	0:00:00.00000	192990	3.7840e-06	4.3060e-07	1.7620e-06	2.6340e-07
19-Aug-1993	0:00:00.00000	224322	3.2320e-06	3.6830e-07	1.5760e-06	2.3330e-07
14-Sep-1993	0:00:00.00000	255660	4.3310e-06	4.7350e-07	1.8780e-06	2.5740e-07
10-Oct-1993	0:00:00.00000	287484	4.2030e-06	4.5630e-07	2.1750e-06	2.8550e-07
5-Nov-1993	0:00:00.00000	159936	4.0530e-06	4.6740e-07	1.9300e-06	2.9870e-07
1-Dec-1993	0:00:00.00000	321210	3.7270e-06	4.0500e-07	1.6660e-06	2.2510e-07
27-Dec-1993	0:00:00.00000	192900	3.3490e-06	3.8690e-07	1.5680e-06	2.4240e-07
22-Jan-1994	0:00:00.00000	240636	3.6730e-06	4.1020e-07	1.2030e-06	1.9040e-07
17-Feb-1994	0:00:00.00000	0	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000
15-Mar-1994	0:00:00.00000	0	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000
10-Apr-1994	0:00:00.00000	0	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000
6-May-1994	0:00:00.00000	224712	3.0730e-06	3.5220e-07	1.6970e-06	2.4840e-07
1-Jun-1994	0:00:00.00000	144834	2.4530e-06	3.1120e-07	1.5570e-06	2.6470e-07
27-Jun-1994	0:00:00.00000	0	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000
23-Jul-1994	0:00:00.00000	337002	4.1890e-06	4.5230e-07	2.5490e-06	3.2000e-07
18-Aug-1994	0:00:00.00000	384702	4.9410e-06	5.2150e-07	2.4650e-06	2.9710e-07
13-Sep-1994	0:00:00.00000	303654	4.7210e-06	5.0640e-07	2.2120e-06	2.8200e-07
9-Oct-1994	0:00:00.00000	320280	3.7710e-06	4.0960e-07	1.7970e-06	2.3680e-07
4-Nov-1994	0:00:00.00000	417294	3.5590e-06	3.8080e-07	1.7520e-06	2.1990e-07
30-Nov-1994	0:00:00.00000	417384	3.8230e-06	4.1000e-07	1.6990e-06	2.1540e-07
26-Dec-1994	0:00:00.00000	138150	4.1200e-06	4.8650e-07	2.0930e-06	3.3400e-07
21-Jan-1995	0:00:00.00000	238956	4.2760e-06	4.7380e-07	2.2320e-06	3.0400e-07
16-Feb-1995	0:00:00.00000	0	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000
14-Mar-1995	0:00:00.00000	322092	3.7410e-06	4.0610e-07	1.8920e-06	2.4600e-07
9-Apr-1995	0:00:00.00000	412332	4.3120e-06	4.6030e-07	2.4060e-06	2.9940e-07
5-May-1995	0:00:00.00000	397590	3.7660e-06	4.0290e-07	2.1390e-06	2.6180e-07
31-May-1995	0:00:00.00000	381720	3.9160e-06	4.1890e-07	1.9680e-06	2.4570e-07
26-Jun-1995	0:00:00.00000	413538	4.3450e-06	4.6020e-07	2.2150e-06	2.6870e-07
22-Jul-1995	0:00:00.00000	156420	4.0410e-06	4.6780e-07	2.3620e-06	3.4520e-07
17-Aug-1995	0:00:00.00000	0	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000
12-Sep-1995	0:00:00.00000	0	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000
8-Oct-1995	0:00:00.00000	0	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000
3-Nov-1995	0:00:00.00000	50670	4.0690e-06	5.8150e-07	1.9870e-06	4.5160e-07