Details for Att_Flag, the data quality flag indicating source of attitude information

Executive summary:  flag=0,1,100,101 means attitude is OK. Other values indicate attitude is not OK.

If the Att_Flag is < 100, then the spacecraft is not in spin-mode, and the
flag has the following meanings:

	0, valid recent attitude update from spacecraft.
	1, calculated on ground using valid recent input data (measured sunline
	   direction and magnetic field vector) from spacecraft.
	2, calculated on ground with recent magnetic-field data but sunline
	   data over 1/2 hour (1800 seconds) old (indicating a telemetry gap).
	3, interpolated between two adjacent values with flag <= 2 because
	   magnetic field data is over 5 seconds old.
	4, interpolated between two adjacent values with flag <= 2 because
	   angle between calculated sunline and magnetic field is less than 10 degrees.
	10 is added to these values in rare occasions (parts of a dozen or so
	   days) when spacecraft is entering, exiting, or in spin mode for part 
	   of a day.

If the Att_Flag is >= 100, then the spacecraft is in spin-mode, and the
flag has the following meanings:

	100, valid recent attitude update from spacecraft.
	101, interpolated between attitude updates >6 but <= 1100 seconds apart.
	102, same as 1 but with apparent rotation axis > 2.5 degrees off of y-axis.
	103, same as 1 (or 2) but with attitude updates > 1100 seconds apart (telemetry gap).
	10 is added to these values in rare occasions (parts of a dozen or so 
	   days) when spacecraft is entering, exiting, or out of spin mode for part
	   of a day.

Documentation of SAMPEX pointing modes may be found at