SIS: The Solar Isotope Spectrometer
Designed and developed by:
The Solar Isotope Spectrometer (SIS) is designed to provide high
resolution measurements of the isotopic composition of energetic
nuclei from He to Ni (Z=2 to 28) over the energy range from ~10 to
~100 MeV/nucleon. During large solar events, when particle fluxes can
increase over quiet-time values by factors of up to 10000,
SIS will measure the
isotopic composition of the solar corona, while during solar quiet times
SIS will measure the isotopes of low-energy Galactic cosmic rays and
the composition of the anomalous cosmic rays which are thought to
originate in the nearby interstellar medium. The solar energetic
particle measurements are useful to further our understanding of the
Sun, while also providing a baseline for comparison with the Galactic
cosmic ray measurements carried out by CRIS.
SIS has a geometry
factor of ~40 cm²-sr, which is significantly larger than previous
satellite solar particle isotope spectrometers. It is also designed
to provide excellent mass resolution during the extremely high particle
flux conditions which occur during large solar particle events.
SIS is also part of the Real Time Solar Wind (RTSW)
set of instruments flying aboard ACE. Four of ACE's nine instruments will be
constantly monitored by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
operated ground stations. The data from these instruments will be used by
NOAA to evaluate the risk of geomagnetic storms from solar events and to make
predictions of these storms rapidly available.
The above figure illustrates the major particle populations that will
be observed by SIS, along with data collected by other missions such
as IMP-8.
Galactic cosmic rays are discussed on the CRIS
page, while SEPs and ACRs are discussed below.
Solar Energetic Particles
Solar energetic particles represent a sample of solar material that
can be used to make direct measurements of the Sun's elemental and
isotopic makeup, and can be used to study the most energetic
acceleration processes that occur in our solar system. Although the
sun contains the vast majority of solar system material, we have only
limited direct knowledge of its elemental and isotopic composition.
Spectroscopic observations of solar isotopes are very difficult; there
are isotopic observations for only a few elements and the
uncertainties are large. With its greatly improved collecting power
over other instruments, it is hoped that SIS can make a major advance
in our knowledge of SEP isotopic composition. The figure below shows
an estimate of the number of events that SIS would have observed in
the SEP event of 10/30/92 measured by the SAMPEX spacecraft
(Selesnick, R.A., et al., 1993). Arrows indicate upper limits.
Anomalous Cosmic Rays
During solar minimum conditions there are seven elements (H, He, C, N,
O, Ne, and Ar) whose energy spectra have shown anomalous increases in
flux above the quiet time galactic cosmic ray spectrum. This
so-called "anomalous cosmic ray" (ACR) component is now thought to
represent neutral interstellar particles that have drifted into the
heliosphere, become ionized by the solar wind or UV radiation, and
then been accelerated to energies >10 MeV/nucleon, most likely at
the solar wind termination shock.
Anomalous cosmic ray observations offer a unique opportunity to study
a sample of matter from local interstellar space. Because the ACR
component apparently represents a direct sample of the local
interstellar medium, it carries important information about galactic
evolution in the solar neighborhood since the formation of the solar
nebula - information that can be obtained by comparing the isotopic
composition of ACR nuclei with that of solar system abundances,
including those measured by SIS in solar energetic particles. The
figure below illustrates what is currently known about the 22Ne/20Ne
isotopic ratio over a wide energy interval, including ACR neon. Note
that the ACR (lower energy) Ne isotopic ratio is lower than it is in
galactic cosmic rays, implying that the GCRs contain a component rich
in 22Ne.
If SIS is to achieve the objectives of excellent mass resolution and
large collecting power beyond that of previous instruments that have
measured ACRs and SEPs, it must satisfy several design requirements.
It must have a mass resolution of ~0.25 amu or better. The
contributions to this are similar to those in the CRIS physical description. In
addition to these issues, measurements of solar energetic particles
are usually made in a very hostile environment in which the flux of
protons >1 MeV may exceed 10^5/cm²-sr-sec. Chance
coincidences between these low energy protons and the heavier nuclei
that are of primary interest to SIS can lead to ambiguous trajectories
or distorted energy loss measurements. It is therefore necessary that
SIS be capable of returning accurate composition measurements in the
presence of high fluxes of low energy protons and helium nuclei. To
ensure that as few as possible of the nuclei with Z>=10 are missed
requires that the instrument be capable of selecting the most
interesting nuclei for analysis and that the bit rate be sufficient to
transmit several events per second. The above figure shows the energy
and charge intervals for which isotopic analysis is possible (in
gray). Particle elemental identification can be continued to higher energies,
while integral fluxes can be calculated from events fully penetrating
the telescope.
Measurements of anomalous cosmic rays, free from contamination of
solar and interplanetary particles at lower energy and free from GCR
contamination at higher energies are best made in the energy interval
from ~5 to 25 MeV/nucleon, where the flux is a decreasing function of
energy. Similarly, SEP spectra typically decrease rather steeply with
increasing energy. It follows that to maximize the number of detected
particles for both of these species requires the use of thin detectors
with as low a threshold for penetration as possible, combined with a
large geometry factor. For this reason SIS has two telescopes
composed of the largest area devices available (~65 cm² each).
It is also of interest to extend measurements of SEPs to as high an
energy as possible to understand the acceleration process in these
events. The SIS detector stack is composed of devices of graduated
thicknesses in order to cover a broad energy range. There are two
identical telescopes in SIS (one pictured here), each composed of
17 high-purity silicon detectors.
The first two detectors, M1 and M2, are position-sensitive "matrix"
devices (pictured at left) that form the hodoscope measuring the
trajectory and energy loss of incident nuclei. The matrix detectors
are octagonal in shape, 70 to 80 µm in thickness, and have 34
cm² active areas that are divided into 64 strips. Each of the
strips on M1 and M2 is individually pulse-height analyzed with its own
12-bit ADC when an event occurs so that the trajectory of heavy ions
traversing the system can be separated from the tracks of low energy H
or He that might happen to hit one of these detectors at the same
time. Detectors M1 and M2 are separated by 6 cm; the resulting rms
angular resolution of the system is ~0.25 degrees, averaged over all
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last modified 28 November 2007
URL: /ACE/CRIS_SIS/sis.html