CRIS/SIS: ACEware System Installation

Last Modified Tuesday, 20-Oct-1998 10:14:20 PDT.

These are directions for the initial installation of the ACEware System libraries. If you have already installed initial versions of each of the libraries and wish to update a particular library while maintaining the usability of the system while you work, see updating ACEware packages.

Step 1: Install the shadow directory tree in the location you wish to install the ACEware system. The shadow directory tree is used in the initial installation as a skeleton directory tree in which to place and make each of the ACEware packages.

Download the latest version of shadow directory tree.

Choose the location for your installation. Untarring/unzipping this file will create a directory called "shadow", the contents of which will be a skeleton ACEware directory tree. Change the name from "shadow" to whatever you wish the base directory to be (e.g., ACEware). (This base directory will still be referred to as "shadow" in the following instructions.)

Enter the shadow directory. Remove the link called ACEware (this link is used for package updates only, not in the initial installation.) Remove the RCSfiles directory (used in development only.)

Enter the pkgs directory. Each of the links in the pkgs directory corresponds to an ACEware package which you will install into your system.

Step 2: Get the ACEware packages.

Download the latest versions of each package:

hdf package:

The hdf package contains all HDF routines for reading ASC CDs. The package distributed here is specific to Sun Solaris. There should be a public distribution of these routines for different architectures at NCSA. (There will be a further description below on any modifications and details for making each of the packages and getting them to work within the ACEware system.)

structures package:

The structures package contains the definitions of all the CRIS/SIS data structures used in the ACEware system.

asc package:

The asc package ...

level1 package:

The level1 package contains all the routines for writing data archives and for retrieving from the same.

level1_1 package:

The level1_1 package ...

level0 package:

The level0 package ...

Step 3: Place the packages into position and create generic links to specific package releases.

Using the level1 package as an example, move the level1.reln_n.tar.gz (or .zip) file into the shadow/pkgs/ directory. Untar/zip the file to create the directory shadow/pkgs/level1.reln_n/ along with all of its contents. You can remove the tar file at this point if you need the space or like a cleaner installation area.

Change the link with the generic name of "level1" to point at the specific release level1.reln_n. (In unix, this would be "ln -s level1.reln_n level1".)

Repeat this procedure for each of the packages.

Step 4: Making the packages.

Order is important!:
  1. Making the hdf package

  2. Making the structures package

  3. Making the asc package

  4. Making the level1 package

  5. Making the level1_1 package

  6. Making the level0 package

  7. Making the "external package"

The ACEware initial installation is now complete.

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