CRIS/SIS: ACEware System Package Updates

Last Modified Tuesday, 20-Oct-1998 10:22:42 PDT.

These are directions for the updating of ACEware System libraries. If you have not already installed initial versions of each of the libraries please see installing the ACEware system.

Step 1: Install the shadow directory. The shadow directory tree is used in package updates as a temporary staging location for the package to be updated. This allows for checking/porting the new release without breaking the system for your users while the installation is being done.

Download the latest version of shadow directory tree.

Choose a working location for the shadow installation. This shadow installation will merely be a set of links to all the packages you have already installed in you official ACEware system. You will then remove one of these links and place the package you are updating in the shadow tree, thus you will have a mirror of your whole current ACEware system except for the package being installed. This allows you to work on updating the package before other users ever see it. Once you are satisfied with the make/port of the package, moving it into place in the official ACEware installation is trivial.

Enter the shadow directory. Modify the link called ACEware to point to your main ACEware installation's root directory (the ACEware root directory is the directory which has the directory "pkgs" in it. This is *NOT* the "pkgs" directory inside the shadow tree, but the pkgs directory within your main ACEware installation.) Remove the RCSfiles directory (used in development only.)

Enter the pkgs directory. Each of the links in the pkgs directory corresponds to an ACEware package installed in your current main installation of ACEware. Remove the link pointing to the old version of the package you wish to update.

Step 2: Get the ACEware package you wish to update.

Step 3: Place the package into the shadow/pkgs/ directory and create a generic link to the specific package version name.

Using the level1 package as an example, move the level1.reln_n.tar.gz (or .zip) file into the shadow/pkgs/ directory. Untar/zip the file to create the directory shadow/pkgs/level1.reln_n/ along with all of its contents. (You can remove the tar file at this point if you need the space or like a cleaner installation area.)

Change the link with the generic name of "level1" to point at the specific release level1.reln_n. (In unix, this would be "ln -s level1.reln_n level1".)

Step 4: Making the package.

Here are the instructions for making each of the packages' libraries:

Step 5: After the make has been completed successfully, tar up the package in the shadow/pkgs/ directory, and move it over into the main ACEware installation's pkgs directory. Untar the new version and then remake it just to be sure. Finally change the generic link to point at the new package. The package update is now complete.


(Starting in /home/bruce/temp/shadow/pkgs/)

tar cvf level1.rel1_11.tar level1.rel1_11
mv level1.rel1_11.tar /home/ACEware/pkgs/
cd /home/ACEware/pkgs/
tar xvf level1.rel1_11.tar
rm level1.rel1_11.tar
rm level1; ln -s level1.rel1_11 level1

Then tar up and archive the old version or remove it.

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