STEREO LET Data Analysis using IDL

SRL people do not need to start with the Level 0 telemetry packet data for LET data analysis. Bob Radocinski has written software that transforms the LET Level 0 data into IDL-structured data files. He has also written IDL-code to read these files that is platform-independent.

LET Level 0 data in daily IDL-structured files are at

Example IDL programs that read these files are at Important information about setting up your IDL environment properly is also in the above directory. These examples also illustrate the use of some nice STEREO Solarsoft idl routines to convert the seconds-since-1958 spacecraft timestamps to UTC time. One example illustrates how to convert the SEP HK data to engineering units.

For each day of the mission, 6 IDL-files are created, as follows:
- LET Rate Counters
- LET Dribbled status data
- LET Events
- SEP Command responses
- SEP Dribbled status data
- SEP Housekeeping data

The 1_XX in the filename is the version number carried forward from the original Level 0 telemetry file. The file with the largest version number contains the most complete data. See Telemetry data documentation for more version number info.

Documentation of the IDL structures found in each of these files is at

Andrew Davis, SEP Instrument Suite Webmaster