STEREO LET Level 1 and Level 2 Data Documentation

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LET Level 1 and Level 2 Data

GOTO the data

The LET Level 1 and Level 2 data are energetic particle intensities (1/(cm^2 s sr MeV/nuc)) for 16 species, in ~12 energy-bins per species.

The highest time-resolution data provided by LET is 1 minute. On this website, we currently provide the 1-minute data (Level 1 data) in ASCII text files, with each file containing one day of data, for one species, for one spacecraft (ahead or behind).

We also provide 10-minute, hourly-averaged and daily-averaged data (Level 2 data) in ASCII text files, with each file containing one calendar year of data, for one species, for one spacecraft. For the 10-minute averages, we also provide files containing 1 month of data.

We also provide 27-day averages, in standard and summed energy bins

Each ASCII file begins with a header that provides version and other provenance information, and describes each data field.

The LET 1-minute data are also available in CDF format, from the STEREO IMPACT Data portal at Berkeley.

The LET data come in three "flavors": Standard, Summed, and Sectored.

During large SEP events, the geometry factors for H and He depend upon the dynamic-threshold state of the instrument. This dynamic-threshold state is included in each record in the LET data, and is used in the Level 1 data processing to select the appropriate geometry factor when computing the intensities.

LET Instrument Description

The Low Energy Telescope (LET) is one of four sensors that make up the Solar Energetic Particle (SEP) instrument of the IMPACT investigation for NASA's STEREO mission. The LET is designed to measure the elemental composition, energy spectra, angular distributions, and arrival times of H to Ni ions over the energy range from ~3 to ~30 MeV/nucleon. It will also identify the rare isotope 3He and trans-iron nuclei with 30 <= Z <= 83. The SEP measurements from the two STEREO spacecraft will be combined with data from ACE and other 1-AU spacecraft to provide multipoint investigations of the energetic particles that result from interplanetary shocks driven by coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and from solar flare events. The multipoint in situ observations of SEPs and solar-wind plasma will complement STEREO images of CMEs in order to investigate their role in space weather. Each LET instrument includes a sensor system made up of an array of 14 solid-state detectors composed of 54 segments that are individually analyzed by custom Pulse Height Analysis System Integrated Circuits (PHASIC). The signals from four PHASIC chips in each LET are used by a Minimal Instruction Set Computer (MISC) to provide on-board particle identification of a dozen species in ~12 energy intervals at event rates of ~1000 events/sec. An additional control unit, called SEP Central, gathers data from the four SEP sensors, controls the SEP bias supply, and manages the interfaces to the sensors and the SEP interface to the IMPACT Data Processing Unit (IDPU).

The LET design, calibration and operation is described in detail in a Space Science Reviews paper by Mewaldt et al. (2008).

Instrument cross-section diagram

Figure showing LET species/energy-range coverage

LET Geometry Factors - including sectored factors

Mounting and orientation of LET on the STEREO spacecraft

Other potentially useful LET and SEP-suite docs

Andrew Davis, SEP Instrument Suite Webmaster