L-Sort Plots
From: Shri Kanekal, LASP
The L-sort plots show measured particle fluxes as a function of time and L shell. The logarithm of measured intensities are color coded according to the color bar shown at the right side of the plot. Particle intensities are binned in bins of 0.1 L and outlier measurements are removed by inter- polating from neighbouring bins. In addition a 3-bin wide smoothing in L is done. The L shell used is obtained by using an IGRF model and no corrections are made to account for geomagnetic disturbances. The Particle fluxes are corrected for dead time and mis-identification. The averaging interval is one day, i.e, in each L bin there are about 60 measurements, since there are 15 orbits/day and each L value is encountered 4 times during each orbit.
Note that these plots are not for publication purposes as there may be issues such as incomplete background removal, detector saturation and chance coincidence contamination all of which vary depending upon factors such as geomegnetic activity.