SAMPEX Data Center News

July, 2007
1-second energetic particle count rates from the LICA instrument and 100-millisecond >400 keV Electron count rates from the PET instrument are now online. The documentation for these data are under construction.

Trapped Anomalous Cosmic Ray (ACR) oxygen intensities (1992 - 2000) are now online (in the Longer term averages/special products area).

May, 2007
Attitude data (6-second averages) are now online.
6-second rates and intensity data have been reprocessed to ensure proper time-syncing of data records with the attitude/orbit data.
Online attitude/orbit data documentation has been greatly improved.

March, 2007
Intensity data (6-second averages) for full mission are now online.

Feb, 2007
Rates data (6-second averages) for full mission are now online.

Jan, 2007
Orbit data (6-second averages) for full mission are now online. Attitude data will be ready within a few months.

Master Data Files (Level 0 data) in IDL's XDR data format are now online, for full mission.

Jan 1, 2006
Solar particle event spectra are now online.

April 26, 2005
Added link to PET L-sort plots provided by Shrikanth Kanekal

April 24, 2005
Web interface to 6-second rates and attitude/orbit data complete, and running with a 5-day sample of data.

Dec 9, 2004
This whole website is new! No data yet, but let us know what you think of the website layout...

Andrew Davis, SAMPEX Data Center Technical Lead