6-second Proton and Alpha-particle Intensities from SAMPEX/PET
This data set consists of 6-second proton and alpha-particle intensities from the PET instrument.
Units are particles per cm^2 sr sec MeV for protons, particles per cm^2 sr sec MeV/nucleon for alphas.
Data are currently provided as daily ASCII space-delimited text files.
Proton data are provided in the following energy-ranges (in MeV):
19.0 - 21.1, 21.1 - 23.2, 23.2 - 25.2, 25.2 - 27.4, 25.2 - 27.4 (in files with names beginning "pp01").
27.4 - 37.4, 37.4 - 45.8, 45.8 - 53.0, 53.0 - 65.2 (in files with names beginning "pp02").
65.2 - 70.5, 70.5 - 76.1, 76.1 - 85.1 (in files with names beginning "pp03").
85.1 - 120.0, 120.0 - 200.0, 200.0 - 300.0, 300.0 - 500.0 (in files with names beginning "pp04").
Alpha-particle data are provided in the following energy-ranges (in MeV/nucleon):
20.0 - 22.0, 22.0 - 24.0, 24.0 - 27.4 (in files with names beginning "pa01").
27.4 - 37.4, 37.4 - 45.8, 45.8 - 53.2, 53.2 - 65.1 (in files with names beginning "pa02").
65.1 - 70.5, 70.5 - 76.1, 76.1 - 85.1 (in files with names beginning "pa03").
85.1 - 120.0, 120.0 - 150.0, 150.0 - 200.0, 200.0 - 250.0, 250.0 - 300.0, 300.0 - 400.0, 400.0 - 600.0 (in files with names beginning "pa04").
The first two columns of each file are:
Second_of_Day (UT)
Quality Flag
Subsequent columns contain the intensities and statistical uncertainties (alternating). Each file contains a header identifying each column.
Notes and Caveats
Quality flag: The flag for each record will be
0 if there are no problems
1 if saturation is likely (livetime correction of a factor of 50x or more)
2 if the coincidence definitions result in total or intermittent out-of-calibration operation
3 if both saturation and coincidence problems are present.
Fill data: Both the intensity and error-bar values are set to -9.999 if the livetime is invalid, for whatever reason.
Files are zip-compressed. Filenames are constructed as follows: pXXXYYYYDDD.zip. For proton files XXX is either p01, p02, p03 or p04. For alpha files, XXX is either a01, a02, a03, or a04. YYYY is the year, and DDD is the Day-of-Year. After unzipping, the uncompressed file is of the form pXXXYYYYDDD.txt.
Statistical uncertainties are given as (sqrt(N) for N >= 1, and 1. + sqrt(0.75) for N = 0 (approximate Poisson error for zero counts).
Andrew Davis, SAMPEX Data Center Technical Lead