6-second 10-20 MeV Electron Intensity from SAMPEX/PET
This data set consists of the 6-second 10 - 20 MeV electron intensity from the PET instrument.
Units are particles per cm^2 sr sec MeV.
Note that PET electron intensities at lower energy ranges are also available.
Data are currently provided as daily ASCII space-delimited text files. Each file contains 4 columns:
Second_of_Day (UT)
Quality Flag
10 - 20 MeV electron intensity
Statistical uncertainty (sqrt(N) for N >= 1, and 1. + sqrt(0.75) for N = 0 (approximate Poisson error for zero counts).
Notes and Caveats
Quality flag: The flag for each record will be
0 if there are no problems
1 if saturation is likely (livetime correction of a factor of 50x or more)
2 if the coincidence definitions result in total or intermittent out-of-calibration operation
3 if both saturation and coincidence problems are present.
Fill data: Both the intensity and error-bar values are set to -9.999 if the livetime is invalid, for whatever reason.
Files are zip-compressed. Filenames are constructed as follows: pe03YYYYDDD.zip. "pe03" is constant, and stands for PET electrons. YYYY is the year, and DDD is the Day-of-Year. After unzipping, the uncompressed file is of the form pe03YYYYDDD.txt.
Andrew Davis, SAMPEX Data Center Technical Lead