SAMPEX 6-second Particle Intensity Data

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This data set consists of 6-second particle intensities from the HILT, LICA, MAST and PET instruments. The data set covers the complete mission, from launch through 2004-182.

A subset of the attitude/orbit data is included - see below.

Notes on the time-stamps for these data

The data are 6-second averages. The time-stamp for each data record refers to the beginning of the 6-second period.

The time-stamps for these intensity data have been synced (in ground data processing) with the time-stamps of the attitude/orbit data, and with the time-stamps for the 6-second rates (RS Set) data, Thus, the timestamps in each of these data sets may be used to associate the intensities and rates data with the appropriate attitude/orbit data.

In addition, the intensity, attitude/orbit, and rates data have been filled so that they all contain the same number of records per day.

General Notes on the data

Intensities for differential intensities are in units of particles/sec cm2 sr MeV/n.
Intensities for integral intensities are in units of particles/sec cm2 sr.

Z>1 energy ranges listed below are for oxygen.

Flux 1-σ standard uncertainties due to statistics ( 1/sqrt(N) ) only.

The HILT, MAST, and PET instruments include instrument livetime counters that are used to correct the fluxes due to instrument deadtime. These corrections can have the effect of correcting the rate by more than a factor of 10 under high count rate conditions. When deadtime corrections are important, the saturation Data Quality Flag is raised to indicate that the fluxes are out of calibration.

The 4 HILT fluxes are affected by drift in the proportional counter and background effects. The HILT proportional counter gain decreased with time during the mission, as is typical for this type of device. The gain decrease modifies the energy range for the HILT fluxes, and this has been corrected for in the flux calculation. In addition, HILT fluxes are subject to background under very quiet conditions, and this background has been taken into account in the flux calculation.

More information on the SAMPEX spacecraft, instruments, operations, and the science data may be found in the SAMPEX Mission and Instrument Documentation.

Description of each data field

Andrew Davis, SAMPEX Data Center Technical Lead