STEREO SIT Level 1 and Level 2 Data Documentation
SIT Level 1 and Level 2 Data Description
- The SIT Level 1 and Level 2 data are energetic particle intensities (1/(cm^2 s sr MeV/nuc)) for 4 species (H, 4He, O, and Fe), in ~10 energy-bins per species.
- The highest time-resolution data provided by SIT is 1 minute. On this website, we provide the 1-minute data (Level 1 data) in ASCII text files, with each file containing one day of data, for one species, for one spacecraft (ahead or behind).
- We also provide "Level 2 data", as follows: 10-minute data in ASCII text files, with each file containing one month of data, and hourly-averaged and daily-averaged files with each file containing one calendar year of data.
- Each ASCII file begins with a header that provides version and other provenance information, and describes each data field.
- The SIT 1-minute data are also available in CDF format, from the STEREO IMPACT Data portal at Berkeley. The Berkeley CDF files are generated using on-board lookup tables. For the periods through 4/20/2011 for SIT-A, and 5/5/2011 for SIT-B, the files at the Caltech site use pulse-height data and therefore have a more accurate calibration but sometimes lower statistical accuracy; after these dates the Caltech site also uses on-board lookup tables.
- The SIT design, calibration and operation is described in detail in a Space Science Reviews paper by Mason et al. (2008).
- Other potentially useful SIT and SEP-suite docs
Andrew Davis, SEP Instrument Suite Webmaster