SAMPEX 6-Second Rate Data

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This data set consists of 6-second particle rates from the HILT, LICA, MAST and PET instruments. The data set covers the complete mission, from launch through 2004-182. The rates are not calibrated or converted into physical units. Calibrated particle intensities are also available.

The data are derived from the SAMPEX RS Set data, documented in the SAMPEX NGDF Data File Description.

A subset of the attitude/orbit data is included - see the detailed documentation for each instrument.

The time-stamps for the attitude/orbit (PS Set) data have been synced (in ground data processing) with the time-stamps for these 6-second rate data, and with the time-stamps for the particle intensity data.

Thus, the timestamps in each of these data sets may be used to associate the appropriate attitude/orbit data with each 6-second intensity or rates data record.

In addition, the intensity, attitude/orbit, and rates data have been filled so that they all contain the same number of records per day.

Detailed 6-second Rates documentation for each instrument: HILT : LICA : MAST : PET

Note: 6-second rate data from 2004-182 through the end of the spacecraft's life (Nov 13 2012) have been added to the archive, in text format files. These data need to be used with caution, as they are less well-processed compared with the pre 2004-182 data:

More information on the SAMPEX spacecraft, instruments, operations, and the science data may be found in the SAMPEX Mission and Instrument Documentation.

Andrew Davis, SAMPEX Data Center Technical Lead