ACE Level 3 Summary Plots

A variety of summary plots contributed by the instrument teams have been available as ACE Level 3 data for some time, and new contributions have recently been added. Here, we provide improved access and better visibility to these plots.

Click on a plot below to access the plot-browsing interface

Daily Magnetometer Plots Weekly Mag/Solar Wind Plots Daily MAG Spectrograms Suprathermal Electron Pitch Angle Plots from SWEPAM SW Composition (plus other SWICS/SWIMS trend plots) 32-Day EPAM Energetic Particle Plots
(through 2013)

EPAM Summary Plots 4-Day Energetic Ion Intensities and Spectrograms from ULEIS 32-Day Stack-Energy Plots from ULEIS 4-Day Anisotropy Plots from ULEIS 27-Day He Mass Spectrograms from ULEIS/SIS Monthly SEP and Galactic Cosmic Ray Count Rates from SIS/CRIS

27-Day Charge vs. Time Plots from SIS 4-Day Ion 1/Velocity Spectrograms from ULEIS 4-Day Ion Velocity Spectrograms from ULEIS

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Last Updated: October 2008
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