ACE Level 2 (Verified) Data
You might like to try our New ACE Level 2 data server (beta-test)
Interplanetary Magnetic Field Parameters: MAG. | MAG Data | Documentation |
Solar Wind Parameters: SWEPAM | SWEPAM Data | Documentation |
Solar Wind Temperatures, Speeds, Composition, Charge States: SWICS prior to August 23 2011 |
SWICS 1.1 Data | Documentation |
Solar Wind Temperatures, Speeds, Composition, Charge States: SWICS after August 23 2011 |
SWICS 2.0 Data | Documentation |
Solar Wind Proton density and speed: SWICS | SWICS Proton Data | Documentation |
Solar Suprathermal and Energetic Particle Intensities: ULEIS | ULEIS Data | Documentation |
Solar Energetic Particle Intensities: EPAM | EPAM Data | Documentation |
Solar Energetic Particle Intensities: SEPICA | SEPICA Data | Documentation |
SEP, GCR, and ACR Intensities: SIS. | SIS Data | Documentation |
Galactic Cosmic Ray Intensities: CRIS | CRIS Data | Documentation |
Merged IMF and Solar Wind 64-second and Hourly Averages | MAG/SWEPAM Data | Documentation |
Merged IMF, Solar Wind, and Energetic Particle Hourly Averages | Multi-instrument Data | Documentation |
Note: Most of these data are also available from CDAWeb. Level 2 data for each instrument are delivered to CDAWeb when we have confidence in the stability of the data set.
The DIAL Experimental Data Server that is being used at the ACE Science Center to allow web-browsing of HDF data files was jointly developed by Hughes STX and the National Center for Supercomputing Applications under contract to NASA/GSFC. The ACE Science Center has customized the software for the ACE dataset.
Last Updated: Dec 15 2004 Return to ASC Home Page