- Other ACE Web Pages
- Sites with Complementary Data
- Sites Making use of ACE Real Time Solar Wind Data
- Hierarchical Data Format (HDF)
- NASA and other Space Science Web Sites
- Images of Honorary Plaques attached to ACE Spacecraft
- ACE Education and Public Outreach
- ACE Instrument home pages
- Detailed Spacecraft and Mission Documentation
- ACE Data Documentation
- Space Physics Data Facility (SPDF) at NASA
- CDAWeb
supports the display and coordinated analysis of multi-instrument, multimission data.
Deep Space multi-spacecraft magnetic field, plasma, and ephemeris data.
- OMNIWeb Near-Earth multi-spacecraft magnetic field, plasma, and ephemeris data.
- CDAWeb
supports the display and coordinated analysis of multi-instrument, multimission data.
SAMPEX Data Center at Caltech
STEREO SEP Instrument Suite site at Caltech
ESA/NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)
Polar, Wind, Geotail Missions
- Cluster Science Data System
- NOAA's Space Environment Center (SEC).
The latest space weather, geomagnetic data...
The Solar-Terrestrial Physics division of the National Geophysical Data
Space Physics Interactive Data Resource (SPIDR)
- WIND-SWE Home Page
- Planetary Data System (PDS)
- PDS Planetary Plasma Interactions Node (PDS/PPI)
Several space weather models hosted by the
Community Coordinated Modeling Center (CCMC) use ACE data as drivers.
A data-driven, physics-based radiation-belt and ring-current model, providing
now-casting of the radiation belt environment from 2-10 Earth radii (JHU/APL).
The Lynch Rocket Laboratory, at Dartmouth College, uses ACE data as part of their
launch criteria for sounding rockets from Poker Flats, Alaska.
Space Weather Prediction with Cosmic Rays, from Bartol Research Institute.
NASA's Student Observation Network collects and organizes data from many NASA missions, including ACE,
to make it easy for students to engage in inquiry.
Real-time Predictions of Dst using ACE data, provided by the Space Sciences and Engineering Dept. at SWRI,
from several of the sources listed below, and including predictions by the Space Weather Group
at the UCLA Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics (IGPP).
Real Time Forecast of Dst index and >2 MeV Electrons at Geostationary Orbit
at LASP/University of Colorado.
Real-time plots of RTSW data, predictions of Dst index and Proton distribution in the inner magnetosphere
from the Space Environment Information Service, Japan.
- Real Time Prediction of Dst
(Geo-Magnetic Storm Level) from the Space Physics Research Group at U.C. Berkeley.
Real-time Predictions of Dst using ACE data and a neural network
(Danish Meteorological Institute) - no longer in operation?.
Real-time Predictions of dst and Kp, at
The Regional Warning Center - Sweden,
operated by the Swedish Institute of Space Physics, Lund.
A Space Weather Alert webpage utilizing solar wind updates from the ACE SWEPAM and EPAM instruments is
maintained by the Ionospheric and Space Physics Group at SRI International.
- The Real-Time UAF Eulerian
Parallel Polar Ionosphere Model from the University of Alaska Fairbanks
and the Arctic Region Supercomputing Center (ARSC).
- Specification and forecasting of ionospheric convection and
field-aligned current distributions over polar regions using
Linear Modeling of Ionospheric Electrodynamics (LiMIE) at
Space Physics Research Group, Virginia Tech.
- Specification and forecasting of the electric potential pattern, aurora, and currents over the
Northern Hemisphere, using
real time Assimilative Mapping of Ionospheric Electrodynamics (AMIE)
at Astra, LLC.
- Steve Petrinec at the Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center in Palo Alto, CA,
uses ACE data to perform
dynamic modeling of the Earth's bow shock and magnetopause.
- Near Real Time 3D Determination of the Magnetosheath,
from the Geospace Hydrodynamics Laboratory, in Sofia, Bulgaria.
- The Chandra Science Operations Team
are using ACE RTSW data to alert them of large
low energy proton events which could damage their intruments.
- The Australian Space Forecast Centre
provides a graphical representation of
Solar Wind Speed and IMF Direction using ACE RTSW data.
- Researchers at the Space research institute in Moscow are generating geomagnetic storm and substorm warnings using ACE RTSW data.
- NCSA HDF Home Page. Information, Support, and Software from the Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) Group of NCSA.
- NASA Home Page
- NASA Space Science Page
- NASA HQ Science Mission Directorate Page
Cosmic and Heliospheric Learning Center -
The Cosmic and Heliospheric Learning Center, brought to you by the people at ACE, is designed to increase your interest in cosmic and
heliospheric science. (The heliosphere is the HUGE area in space affected by the Sun.)
Cosmic Rays at the University of Utah
Cooperative Satellite Learning Project (CSLP) - The CSLP is a
business/government/education partnership, focusing on space sciences and engineering. The program is currently sponsored
by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and AlliedSignal Technical Services
Corporation (ATSC).
- NASA Deep Space Network
- Windows to the Universe
- A fun and different Web site about the Earth and Space sciences, funded by
- SHINE Home Page - (Solar,
Heliospheric, and INterplanetary Environment)
SHINE is an affiliation of researchers within the solar, interplanetary, and
heliospheric communities, dedicated to promoting an enhanced understanding of the
processes by which energy in the form of magnetic fields and
particles are produced by the Sun and/or accelerated in interplanetary space
and on the mechanisms by which these fields and particles are transported to the Earth through the inner heliosphere.
- SPA Home Page - Space Physics and
Aeronomy Section of the American Geophysical Union (AGU)
- Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL) Home Page
- Caltech Space Radiation Laboratory (SRL)
- Universe Today -- space exploration and astronomy news
- NSSDC Photo Gallery