ACE Level 1 Data

If you are looking for data suitable for scientific studies without further processing, you need ACE Level 2 data.

ACE Level 1 data are basically raw telemetry data sorted by instrument and formatted into HDF files.

ACE Level 1 data are distributed by the ACE Science Center to each of the ACE instrument teams, and are permanently archived at NASA's National Space Science Data Center (the NSSDC). Since the ACE data are non-proprietary, no authorization for release of the data to the general science community is required.

However, ACE Level 1 data requires significant further processing to make them useful for scientific studies. The experience and expertise required to perform this processing rests with the instrument teams. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that users of Level 1 data from the ACE Science Center, or the permanent NASA archive at the NSSDC, contact the responsible instrument teams regarding correct usage of the data.

Please contact The National Space Science Data Center or The ACE Science Center to arrange delivery of ACE Level 1 data.

ACE data immediately available to the general science community include Level 2 data, Level 3 data, Browse Parameters, and Real Time Solar Wind Data.

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Last Updated: December 2004
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